
Front squats


*5sec pause at the bottom*


For time:

Dumbbell snatch 50/35
Wall balls 20/14

Note: BOOM!



*Seriously, let’s take the time to stretch and mobilize*


10min EMOM alt min

30 double unders (Zeus rope anyone?)
1 peg board ascent

30 single unders
10 hanging hip touches


For time:
Pull ups/chest to bar pull ups/bar muscle ups
Walking lunges

For time:
Ring rows
Walking lunges

Weightlifting W1D3

Power snatch

Power clean + push jerk

Note: Perform 1 power clean, then on your second rep, go overhead with a push jerk

Overhead squats

Hey Pyromanians,
here’s a few things happening in the near future. Mark your calendar. There’s no lack of challenges and goals to achieve, there’s something for everyone. We’re doing our best to offer constantly varied fun for everyone

Saturday August 18th, MEC sprint triathlon (Challenge yourself, let’s do this)**Legendary Firebreather requirement**
Tuesday August 21st, 8pm to 10pm, Mount pleasant community pool summer party (Friends, Family and kids super welcome)
Saturday August 25th, Pyro olympic lifting meet, 25$, sign up on RhinoFit is live (Everybody should do this, the more that sign up, the more gear we get)

Saturday September 8th, Rocky Mountain Crusher, Team of 4, 2 girls and 2 guys, super friendly run/wod competition at the Canmore nordic centre, self judged
Saturday September 15th, 2018 Beer Mile (Can anybody beat Kyle S time?)
Thursday September 19th, The CrossFit Games Team Series, Team of 2, same sex, 2 weeks, 4 workouts, scaled and Rx online competition, similar to the Open
Saturday September 22nd, CrossFit Calgary Attollo cup, team of 2, same sex, scaled and Rx one day competition

Saturday October 6th, Battle Royale II
Saturday October 13th, Festivus Games, partner comp
Saturday October 27th, CrossFit Pyro 2nd year anniversary party!!!

Rogue Liftoff, Max snatch, Max clean and jerk and a workout, date TBA

Pyro Holiday party, date TBA

Benchmark “FLASHPOINT” board

Just for the reference and easy to find in the future



On a 30min running clock:

1 mile run (Pyro mile)
Then, with the remaining time
build up to your max power snatch
1 mile run (Pyro mile)
Then, with the remaining time
build to your max power clean

Score: Convert your run times in seconds and add them together. Combined your 2 lifts and add them together. Total time in seconds – total lift = Score

Hint: The faster you run and the heavier you lift = better score

Note: This benchmark will test your cardiovascular capacity, endurance, skills, speed, power, coordination and general conditioning. Great test overall. This should strike the perfect balance between strength and cardiovascular capacity. If you can’t run, air bike or rowing can be used.

Battle Royale II is Saturday October 6th

The battle royale format has been very popular in the recent years with movies like the original battle royale (must see btw), the Hunger games, and games like PUBG (Player unknown battleground) and Fortnite that took the world by storm. (Fortnite brings in about $300m revenue per month, and it’s a free game, just saying). Last year we did this during our 1st anniversary party, 42 athletes started and it was an absolute blast. This year we decided to make it it’s own thing and leave our 2nd year anniversary alone (Holy cow, only 2 years!!!)

About the Pyro Battle Royale:

Absolutely free admission
Elimination style
40 enter, 20 males, 20 females
6 workouts
3 hours
Only 1 champion
Self judged, super fun event, everyone welcome
All skill levels, workouts will be for everyone. As you advance from one workout to the other, movements and workouts will get more challenging. Loads and movements will be adjusted at 70% ratio between male/female athletes

There will be a sign up sheet by the whiteboard tomorrow. The great thing about this is that you’re guarantee at least one workout!!! Are you going to make the first cut?

Once we have all the workouts finalized, we’ll be sharing them so we all get an idea of what to expect. The hopper wod will make a comeback just saying!!

Heads up Pyromanians, Wednesday there will be a Pyro benchmark called “FLASHPOINT”. There will be more coming and they’re added to the list of “Hero grade” we did a while back. It’s gonna be EPIC!!


Kick up, inversion, position
Handstand push ups, kipping handstand push ups


For time:

Deficit handstand push ups 6/4

Note: Format goes like this, 1 burpee, 10 handstand push ups, 2 burpees, 9 handstand push ups. So burpees goes from 1 to 10 and the handstand push ups goes from 10 to 1. We did the math for you, it’s 50 reps of each, just saying haha


Hand release push ups



Weightlifting W1D2


Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Front squats

Note: All sets above 70% of 1RM

Floater 1:

For time:
50 strict pull ups

Floater 2:

6 rounds, each for time:
400m run (mailbox run)

3min rest between rounds

Acc work

Crossover Symmetry Strength x2 (You can find this on the X Symmetry Sheet)

Pull Up Complex x3 (2 minute rest) (Should be able to complete the whole set without coming off the bar, scale accordingly)
3 Strict
4 Kipping
5 Butterfly
3 Strict

KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 4×10 (each leg)

50 Glute Ham Raises (Aim for sets of 10-15)

75 GHD Sit-ups (Aim for sets of 10-15)

5 Minute Row/Bike Cooldown


Crossover Symmetry Strength x2

HSPU Complex x4 (2 minute rest)
30 Second Hold
1 Strict
2 Kipping

KB Overhead Lunges 4×10 (each leg) (Pick a weight you can keep the arms locked out with)

Bentover BB Pendlay Row 4×10

100 Back Extension

800m run/row cool down


Crossover Symmetry Strength x2

Accumulate 100 Feet Handstand Walk
*Then 10 Bar Muscle Up and 10 Ring Muscle Up for Time

100 Double-under Unbroken
*Then into 5 Peg Board Climbs for Time

OH Bulgarian Split Squat 4×10 (DB, KB or BB) (This will challenge your midline stability, remember keep the ribs down and drop the weight if needed)

One mile run/row cool down

New Weightlifting cycle
8 weeks
Starts Aug 27th
Finish Oct 20th
Test week Oct 22nd
4 days a week
3 days into weightlifting
1 day into reg prog
Back squat/front squat, ohs each week, varies from singles/doubles/triples and 5s
Snatch and clean jerk variations from singles/doubles and triples
For no experience, beginners and advanced lifters. Adjust each day according to your skill level. Each movement can be done as a skill and technique focus as well as strength and done at higher intensity. Make sure to ask your coach in class

Also, there will be a weightlifting and gymnastics complex every other week for 8 weeks. The weightlifting program will cover a lot of snatch pulls, clean pulls and push jerks/split jerks, the regular prog will take care of deadlift, either in METCONs or strength and shoulder press/push press. We have all angles covered. Programming is complex, we take good pride in what we do at Pyro. If it seems random some days, it isn’t, far from it. Some big announcements coming soon. #BLACKOUT

On top of that, don’t forget about the floater workouts and acc work posted every week here and on the whiteboard in the dojo. The acc work will be posted in advance for the week but we will also do our best to post each day with the wod post. We’ll also share the full 8 week weightlifting prog in advance in a PDF format. This is going to be epic!!!

Today is weightlifting for everyone

W1D1 of 8 weeks

Clean and jerk

Note: Perform 2 squat cleans and on your second rep do 1 jerk. Build up to around 90% of max

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM
Note: Drops or touch and go allowed

Back squats
Note: Each set above 60% of 1RM

Congratulations to all the Pyro athletes who competed in the Pyro Olympic Lifting Meet. This lifting competition is very different from the regular CrossFit lifting format. Once summoned to the platform, you have to be precise and accurate in your lifting in order to complete your lifts. Knowing your capabilities is key, setting an opener too high would put you in trouble right off the start. The margin of error is very narrow. The goal with the lifting meet was to offer a different experience, break the mold, do something new and get athletes outside of their comfort zone, in that regard, we succeeded.

As promised, Pyro will get more gear for you with all the proceeds. Thank you so much for your support.


6 rounds for time:

30 squats
19 power cleans 135/95
7 strict pull ups
400m run

Nineteen City of Prescott (Arizona) firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team, tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, which was ignited by lightning two days earlier. It was the deadliest wildfire in Arizona’s history.

Note: There will be some of us that will be performing this workout in full firefighter turnout gear and some with a weight vest. By all means challenge yourself but remember to maintain the intensity. If adding a weight vest slows you down, you might consider going without one. Intensity is harder, pushing harder is more challenging and most times than not, adding a weight vest actually makes workouts easier in some ways. As prescribed, this workout is performed without a weight vest.

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