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10min to find 5RM bench press

5min rest


10min AMRAP

40cals row
30 dumbbells step ups 50/35 24/20
20 dumbbells shoulder to overhead 50/35
10 dumbbells thrusters 50/35
5 rope climbs

If you finish the rope climbs, go back to the rower

Score is bench press total and reps for the AMRAP combined

CrossFit, Inc. today announced the first-ever CrossFit sanctioned event, the Dubai CrossFit Championship, a four-day, official CrossFit competition taking place December 12-15, 2018 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with the goal of bringing together athletes from around the world to compete for a spot at the CrossFit Games.

Check the link below for all the information:


Happy Birthday Coach Andrew!! (24)


Warm up
3 sets
10 beat swings

*Hold 3sec hollow and arch*


Accumulate 2min handstand hold on the wall

Advanced: Accumulate 2min free standing handstand hold

Muscle up complex (Low rings)

5 sets
2 false grip pull ups
2 transitions
2 strict ring dips


8min AMRAP

8 V-ups
8 hand release clapping push ups
8 knees elbows

Finisher: Andrew B-day burpees, For time: 24 burpee pull ups

Note: This is going to be a great gymnastic class

Weightlifting W1D4

*Heavy singles*

Clean and jerk
Front squats

Note: Don’t go insane with the loading, keep it around 85-95% max intensity. The key is to be consistent, not to max out every day

Finisher: Andrew B-day burpees. For time: 24 burpees over the bar


“Saved by the barbell”

A CrossFit Foundation Workout for Kids

Saved by the Barbell is an annual, world-wide CrossFit community Labor Day workout and fundraising effort to bring CrossFit to more kids everywhere. Each year, rates of chronic diseases like type-2 diabetes, obesity, and liver disease – conditions once associated with the sick and elderly – rise among children, from toddlers to teenagers. And yet each year, more schools reduce their physical education programs. Recess is becoming a thing of the past. Cafeteria food, deeply flawed nutrition education, and sugar-stocked vending machines only contribute to the problem. And schools where children grow up in poverty, food deserts, and disadvantaged communities pose even greater challenges to kids’ health. As adults, we ask ourselves: What can I do today to make a meaningful and lasting difference in the world, in my community, in my neighborhood, on my block, for the better?

Our community knows the answer. Kids need to move. To play. To stand up from their desks and couches and go outside, go to the gym, learn how to move and nourish their bodies in a safe and healthy community. Many CrossFit affiliates have already answered the call, with over 1,800 CrossFit Kids Registered Programs. There are over 1,000 CrossFit programs in schools today.

But we can do better.

Registration is $35 and includes a t-shirt and access to the Saved by the Barbell leaderboard.

**You don’t need to register online to come to the workout**
Here’s the link to register and more information

3 rounds for max reps:

1min burpees
1min wall balls 20/14 (That’s right, more wall balls)
1min deadlifts 115/75
1min med ball situps 20/14
1min hang power cleans 115/75

1min rest between rounds

Score is reps total for all 3 rounds

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