
5 rounds
30sec max double unders
30sec rest
30sec handstand walk*
30sec rest

*Skills development. Handstand hold, shoulder taps, free standing handstand or even kicking to a handstand. Make it challenging for you


Death by
Every 2 minutes until you can no longer perform all the reps of:

8 burpees over the box 24/20*
8 hang power snatch 115/85
8 thrusters 115/85

*Open standards for the burpees, 2 feet together, no step back and forward. Can step down from the box

Scale option 1:
Step ups allowed
Bar at 75/55

Scale option 2:
Rx standards for the burpee box jumps
Bar at 95/65

Note: Aim for 4 to 5 rounds. Scale volume and weight as needed

Accessory work
Shoulder of steel
DB lateral shoulder raises 3×12
DB shoulder press 3×12

30 PVC overhead squats
15 PVC push jerk
15 PVC split jerk

2 rounds
1min plank hold
1min side plank hold right
1min side plank hold left

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