Hello Pyromanians, we had a lot of stuff going recently so this year we decided to go more casual for Halloween. That said, we’ll be doing prizes for those that have the best costumes for the workout. Put your costume on for the class and wear it to the best of your ability during the workout, take a picture by the mural and send it to us by email, FB message or text. We’ll share them on the community group and decide who wins the best costume.

Happy Halloween!!

Skills (10min)

Pull ups (kipping and butterfly)
Bar muscle ups
Ring muscle ups


CrossFit Games Open 13.3

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 double unders
30 ring muscle ups

Option 1

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 double unders
30 bar muscle ups

Option 2

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 single unders
30 chest to bar pull ups

Option 3

12min AMRAP

150 pumpkin tosses (wall balls) 20/14
90 single unders
30 pull ups or banded pull ups

Accessory work

Shoulder of steel
Dumbbells lateral raises 3×10

Pendlay rows 3×10

Ice cream makes 3×5

Weighted back extension 3×10

CrossFit Games Open 13.3 Wednesday


20min AMRAP

200 double unders
50 toes to bar
40 box jumps 24/20
30 handstand push ups
20 bodyweight power cleans
10 bodyweight front squats


15min AMRAP

200 single unders
50 situps
40 step ups 24/20
30 push ups
20 power cleans
10 front squats

Weightlifting W1D1

Power snatch

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM
4×3 touch and go

Front squats
3×3 (5sec pause bottom)

Accessory work

Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry
3 exercises of your choice

30 pvc split jerks

Accumulate 2min of handstand hold

For time:
60 GHD situps

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