Join us, Friday November 9th, 5 to 9pm for the Affiliate Championship. Male/male and female/female teams will be competing to earn points towards their affiliates. Cool part is that male and female teams are competing against each other. There will be multiple events leading all the way to May next year. Those competing at this event don’t have to compete at other events so from one competition to the other, different athletes can participate. The format from events to events will change, individuals, bigger teams, opposite sex teams and so on.

We’re kicking things up with the hero workout “SHIP” and a triple 2min AMRAP.

Pyro teams:

Scaled: Shab and Rebecca
Rx: Rachel and Veronika
Elite: David and Tyler

As with any other events, we’ll need help. If you’re free Friday from 4:30 to 9pm and can spare some time, let us know. We definitely need help for the judging and moving the equipment. Events like this are only possible with your help. Even if you can only come for a few minutes, this would be greatly appreciated. From all things, come in the cheer on athletes and maybe judge a heat or two. BOOM!

See you all there!!

“Hero month”

10 hero workouts

Can you do all 10?


Push jerk


5 rounds for time:

12 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
12 ring dips


4 rounds for time:

10 sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
10 push ups

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry
5 movements of your choice

Barbell snatch grip sots press 3×5
Barbell clean grip sots press 3×5

5 sets
3 pull ups (3sec hang, 3sec up, 3sec hold, 3sec down)

5x max L-sit hold (on plates)

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